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01 Sleep Patterns
By Age

Most infants sleep 8-10 hours during the day and 8 hours at night.

Stanford Children's Health

Two-thirds of children start sleeping through the night on a regular basis by the age of 6 months.

Stanford Children's Health

Toddlers sleep for 11.7 hours on average instead of the recommended 12-14 hours for children aged 1-3 years.

Sleep For Kids

Teens tend to keep irregular sleep patterns, especially on weekends — sleeping late and waking up late, which can disturb their circadian rhythm.

Sleep Foundation

Only 15% of teens get the recommended 8.5 hours of sleep on school days.

Sleep Foundation

Teens require 8-10 hours of sleep per night.

Sleep Foundation

88.5% of high-school students report sleeping less than 9 hours and 78% of them report feeling tired during the day.


20% of teens sleep less than 5 hours while 6.5 hours is the average.

Scientific American Mind

Adults need 7 hours of sleep per night for optimal health.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

59% of Americans sleep for 7 hours or more at night while 40% sleep for less than 7 hours.

Start Sleeping

38% of adults aged 25-34 years and 32% of adults between 18-24 years sleep less than 7 hours.

The Good Body

Since 1985, the percentage of adult Americans sleeping less than 6 hours has increased by 31%.

The Good Body

36.5% of American workers sleep less than the recommended 7 hours.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

In 1910, the average person slept for 9 hours each night.

The Good Body

An average adult takes 7 minutes to fall asleep.


In 2013, Americans slept 6.8 hours on average which is more than an hour less than they slept in 1942.

Start Sleeping

02 Sleep and Women

Women sleep 20 minutes more than men on average.

Higher Perspective

Women are more at risk to have sleep disorders due to the prevalence of anxiety and depression.

Research Gate

The NREM phase among women is short, which means lower sleep quality.

National Institutes of Health

As of 2018, women worked more and slept less than men.

U.S. Department of Labor

Women spend 25% more time on childcare and household activities than personal care.

Medical News Today

Women find it more difficult than men to fall and stay asleep during the night.

Sleep Foundation

13% of adult men and 36% of adult women aged 65 or more take about 30 minutes to fall asleep.

Sleep Education (AASM)

03 Sleep and
Lifestyle Factors

Bed-sharing with infants doubled from 6.5% to 13.5% between 1993 and 2015.

Medical News Today

70.8% of couples report having better sleep quality with their partner while 62.5% report a shorter sleep onset time.

National Institutes of Health

A cooler bedroom temperature of 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit is best for optimal sleep.

85% of the US population consumes one caffeinated drink per day.

Science Direct

Smokers tend to have more stage 1 light sleep and less slow-wave deep sleep.

American Journal of Epidemiology

Marijuana makes you fall asleep faster by 30 minutes.

Loud Cloud

One cigarette can cause you to lose 1.2 minutes of sleep each night due to nicotine stimulation and withdrawal effects.


Only 1 in 10 Americans prioritize sleep over fitness, work, hobbies, and social life.

Sleep Foundation

33% of people who sleep less than 7 hours are overweight while 23% are smokers, 27% are physically inactive and 19% are excessive alcohol drinkers.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

3%-5% of obesity cases are caused by lack of sleep.

Harvard T.H. Chan

Adults who sleep less than 8 hours a night are more likely to report stress symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, and anger.

American Psychological Association

Adults with lower stress levels tend to sleep for more hours during the night compared to those with higher stress levels.

American Psychological Association

Americans who reported very good or excellent health slept 23 minutes more each night, compared to those with poor, good or fair health.

Sleep Foundation

32% of toddlers and 12% of infants watch TV as a part of their bedtime routine, which negatively affects their early childhood sleep duration and quality.

National Institutes of Health

Exposure to blue light can reduce sleep by 16 minutes, with an average of 7.6 sleep disruptions during the night.

Science Daily

Six minutes of reading at night can reduce stress by 68% and help combat insomnia.

Business Insider

Less fiber and more saturated fat and sugary foods are linked to poor sleep.

NBC News, Better

Every hour of screen time reduces sleep time by 3-8 minutes.

Science Daily

A warm bath two hours before bedtime can improve the sleep onset time by about 36%.

Quartz, Soak and Sleep

People sleeping for 6 hours or less regularly are 16-59% more dehydrated compared to those who sleep 8 hours each night.

Medical News Today

Daytime naps of 20-30 minutes can improve mood, alertness and work performance.

Sleep Foundation

More than 50% of Americans nap during the week.

Sleep Foundation

04 Sleep Disorders

Around 68% of Americans struggle to fall asleep at least once a week.

Consumer Reports

50-70 million people in the US suffer from sleep disorders of which obstructive sleep apnea is the most common.

The Sleep Zone, Cheap CPAP Supplies Blog

Over 100 million people suffer from obstructive sleep apnea worldwide.

Sleep, ASAA

48% of people in the US snore.

American Sleep Association

Around 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea while 80% of moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea cases remain undiagnosed.

Sleep, ASAA

Approximately 3-7% of men suffer from sleep apnea while only 2-5% of women are affected by it.

Sleep, ASAA

Around 1 in every 2000 people suffer from narcolepsy in the US. That makes about 20,000 Americans.

Narcolepsy Network

Only 25% of the people with narcolepsy get diagnosed and receive treatment.

Narcolepsy Network

50-80% of patients with psychiatric conditions suffer from chronic sleep problems compared to 10-18% of the general population.

Harvard Health Publishing

Insomnia is a common sleep problem among adults with 30% of people suffering from disturbed sleep while another 10% showing signs of severe insomnia.

Sleep Foundation

3% of the population experiences insomnia symptoms triggered by medical or psychiatric conditions.

American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Almost 25% of people experience acute insomnia every year, but only 75% of them recover without developing chronic insomnia or persistent sleep issues.

Science Daily

7-16% of adolescents and young adults show Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (DPS) marked by staying up late at night and waking up late in the morning.

American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder is reported in 10% of patients with chronic insomnia.

American Academy of Sleep Medicine

40% of individuals with DPS have a family history of insomnia.

American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Each year, 1,550 fatal and 40,000 non-fatal injuries are reported in the US due to drowsy drivers.

American Sleep Association

According to an estimate, one in 25 drivers (> 18 years) reported having fallen asleep while driving.

Sleep Foundation

05 Sleep Medications

9 million Americans take prescription drugs to help them sleep.

NBC News

41% of people use over-the-counter sleep aids several times a week.

Consumer Reports

Women are more likely to use sleeping pills with 5% women to 3% men.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

One in six adults diagnosed with a sleep disorder and one in eight adults with sleep problems report using sleep aids.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Vitamin B regulates the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

Use of melatonin supplements among US adults has doubled from 2007 (0.6%) to 2012 (1.3%)

American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)

An estimated 3.06 million adults use melatonin.

American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)

More than 60% of individuals who are on antidepressants have taken them for two years or longer.

Addiction Center

10% of Americans take antidepressants as a medication.

Addiction Center

Low alcohol intake decreases the physiological recovery offered by sleep by 9.3%. Moderate alcohol intake decreases it by 24%, while high intake reduces it by 39.2%.

Medical News Today

Over 4.5% of adults use CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicines) to help them sleep. 39.1% of adults use music therapy while 64.8% use bio-herbal or aromatherapy for mental and physical relaxation.


06 Sleep Habits

The average bedtime for American sleepers is 11:21 PM.

Yahoo Finance

New Zealand has the highest average sleep time of 7 hours 30 minutes, closely followed by the US with an average sleep time of 7 hours and 6 minutes. Japan has the lowest average sleep time of 5 hours 59 minutes.

Science Advances. AAAS

Only 8% of people prefer sleeping on their back although it is the healthiest position.

More than 40% of people prefer sleeping in a fetal position, making it the most popular. That’s compared to 28% that are side sleepers, 8% back sleepers and 7% stomach sleepers.

07 Sleep Deprivation

Drowsy driving is as dangerous as driving with an 0.08% alcohol intoxication, which is illegal in many states across the country.

Sleep Foundation

10,000 deaths in US hospitals takes place due to medical error caused by sleep deprivation.

American Sleep Association

About 40% of the population in the US is sleep deprived.


People with less than 7 hours of sleep each night are at higher risk (12%) of premature death.

Warwick News & Event

Sleep deprivation costs the US $411 billion annually.

Rand Corporation

People who sleep less than 6 hours could increase the economy by $226.4 billion by sleeping a couple of more hours.

Rand Corporation

Sleep deprivation can cause an annual loss of 11 days of productivity per person.

The Washington Post

A mother’s risk of sleep deprivation increases by 46% with each child per household.

Breaking News English

08 Dream Statistics

About 50-85% of adults experience occasional nightmares.

Sleep Education

People suffering from PTSD have an 80% chance of experiencing nightmares.


More than 50% of the people report having lucid dreams at least once in their life.

Sleep Foundation

Above the age of 10, people dream about 4-6 times per night. So, out of 8 hours, you may spend two dreaming.

Men dream of other men 70% of the time while women dream about men and women equally.

The Sleep Better Council

65% of dreams are angry or sad while 20% are about happiness, on average.


Humans forget 50% of dreams five minutes after waking and 95% by the time they are out of bed.

The Sleep Better Council

REM sleep, during which people usually dream, improves problem-solving skills. Those who dream in REM are 32% better at doing puzzles than those who dream in non-REM.

National Institutes of Health

09 Sleep and Technology

The CPAP machine remains the gold standard for treating sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Statistics

80% of people fall asleep within 5 minutes in response to white noise.

National Institutes of Health

The overall CPAP non-adherence rate is based on 7 hours per night sleep time.

National Institutes of Health

24% of Apple apps and 11% of Google Play apps can provide a graph of movement during sleep.

National Institutes of Health

More than 65% of sleep apps report on sleep structure, including sleep duration, awake time, and amount of light and deep sleep. However, the ability to report REM sleep is limited.

National Institutes of Health

In 2019, 37.4 million people downloaded the Sleep Cycle app worldwide and tracked 4.38 billion sleep hours.

Sleep Cycle

There are more than 4,700 sleep centers and labs in the US alone.

NBC News

66% of CPAP users are adherent to therapy.

American Sleep Association (ASA)

95% of patients using Mandibular Advancement Devices snore less.

National Institutes of Health

Over 10% of surveyed adults use sleep trackers on a regular basis.


More than 50% of women use sleep trackers.


Sleep technology is expected to reach $79.8 billion in 2020.

Persistence Market Research

10 Mattress Statistics

In 2017, the online mattress industry saw a sudden hike with a 60.6% increase in sales.

Digital Commerce

The global mattress industry is expected to be worth $43 billion in 2024.

Zion Market Research

In 2015, memory foam was the most popular mattress type with an 81% customer satisfaction rate.


New mattresses tend to decrease pain by 48% while improving sleep quality by 55%.

National Institutes of Health

49% of Americans prefer sleeping on innerspring units or pillow-top mattresses, making them the most popular ones.

The Better Sleep Council